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NEJM Catalyst Innovations in Care Delivery ; 3(7), 2022.
Article in English | Scopus | ID: covidwho-2317264


In November 2020, monoclonal antibody infusions became the first available treatment for outpatients with Covid-19. The logistics of administering the drug, however, necessitated novel approaches to health care delivery to maximize the effectiveness in Geisinger's patient community. To overcome these challenges, Geisinger quickly set up a process to identify the patients at highest risk and to proactively reach out to them for treatment scheduling. For most patients, an ambulatory clinic was the appropriate setting for infusions. For patients living in a skilled nursing facility or a residential facility for the developmentally disabled, Geisinger deployed mobile units to deliver care treatment to them. Additionally, to serve imprisoned patients, the health system arranged for secure access to select ambulatory clinics at designated times. Using this agile approach, nearly 3,000 patients have been treated by Geisinger since monoclonal antibody treatments were first granted Emergency Use Authorization by the FDA. In this article, the authors describe how Geisinger designed and executed this innovative approach to care delivery. © Massachusetts Medical Society.

Hematology, Transfusion and Cell Therapy ; 44(Supplement 2):S517-S518, 2022.
Article in English | EMBASE | ID: covidwho-2179179


Objetivos: Relatar experiencia de aplicacao de questionario para avaliacao da cultura de seguranca do paciente em um hemocentro. Metodos: Sob projeto de pesquisa aprovado pelo CEP, CAAE:46285321.8.0000.5064 os profissionais apos concordancia registrada em assinatura de TCLE, responderam, de forma anonima, um questionario autoaplicavel, validado para o contexto de Atencao Primaria em Saude, o Medical Office Survey on Patient Safety Culture (MOSPSC). A escolha deste se justifica por assemelhar-se ao contexto da atencao ambulatorial. A pesquisa foi divulgada atraves de uma reuniao com os coordenadores dos setores do HEMOES: laboratorios, ciclo do sangue, administrativo e ambulatorio. Os objetivos foram explicados, bem como a importancia de incentivar e sensibilizar os colaboradores a responder o questionario. A coleta de dados iniciou-se em novembro de 2021 e, por interrupcoes devido a pandemia Covid-19, finalizou em fevereiro de 2022, ocorreu em horario de trabalho e caixas lacradas foram disponibilizadas nos setores para depositar os questionarios sem qualquer identificacao. Apos 4 semanas, um monitor verificava o numero de questionarios da caixa por setor e, se necessario, realizava novo estimulo para maior adesao. Para tratamento e analise descritiva dos dados, foi utilizada uma planilha em Excel. RESULTADOS: Dos 160 funcionarios do HEMOES 98 (61%) responderam ao questionario. Apesar da aparente adesao, chamou atencao o quantitativo de ausencia de respostas (em branco;nao se aplica ou nao sei). Foi calculada a media referente aos dados ausentes para cada secao: A- Questoes sobre seguranca do paciente e qualidade do cuidado: 67%;B- Troca de informacoes com outras instituicoes: 80%;C-Trabalhando neste servico de saude: 13,5%;D-Comunicacao e acompanhamento: 27,5%;E-Apoio de gestores/administradores/lideres: 21,2%;F-Seu servico de saude: 23,6%;G-Avaliacao global: 4,6%. Discussao: Promover a cultura de seguranca do paciente e o cerne do Programa Nacional de Seguranca do Paciente no Brasil. Uma cultura de seguranca fortalecida e associada ao alcance de melhores resultados em saude. A avaliacao da cultura de seguranca tem sido encorajada como uma estrategia util para auxiliar gestores a planejar e priorizar iniciativas de melhoria nos diversos contextos de prestacao de cuidados de saude. Entretanto, fortalecer a cultura de seguranca descortina-se como um grande desafio: requer investimentos estrategicos, envolvimento das liderancas e da alta gestao. Considerando as particularidades dos hemocentros em atender dois tipos de cliente, quais sejam, individuos saudaveis (doadores) e pacientes hematologicos, o uso deste questionario atendeu parcialmente a necessidade, frente ao elevado numero de dados ausentes. Possiveis explicacoes: I) a sua extensao, o que despende tempo, podendo acarretar impaciencia do respondente, especialmente no periodo de sobrecarga de trabalho gerado pela pandemia;II) a ausencia de um horario/local isento para o seu preenchimento, o que pode ter influenciado negativamente na acuracia das respostas, uma vez que foram respondidos durante a rotina diaria;III) provavel inadequacao do instrumento ao contexto dos hemocentros, devido as particularidades do cliente "paciente" e "doador", que pode ter gerado duvidas no preenchimento. Conclusao: Acreditamos ser fundamental promover acoes para ampliar o conhecimento e a percepcao em seguranca do paciente. O relato de experiencia de avaliacao da cultura de seguranca do paciente neste estudo sugere a necessidade de elaborar ou adequar uma ferramenta que contemple as especificidades do contexto de prestacao de servicos de um hemocentro. Aprimorar o metodo de coleta de dados, ampliando estrategias de esclarecimentos e sensibilizacao, podem ser uteis para alcancar resultados mais acurados. Copyright © 2022

7th EAI International Conference on Science and Technologies for Smart Cities, SmartCity360° 2021 ; 442 LNICST:92-103, 2022.
Article in English | Scopus | ID: covidwho-1930336


Continuous monitoring of vital signs like body temperature and cardio-pulmonary rates can be critical in the early prediction and diagnosis of illnesses. Optical-based methods, i.e., RGB cameras and thermal imaging systems, have been used with relative success for performing contactless vital signs monitoring, which is of great value for pandemic scenarios, such as COVID-19. However, to increase the performance of such systems, the precise identification and classification of the human body parts under screening can help to increase accuracy, based on the prior identification of the Regions of Interest (RoIs) of the human body. Recently, in the field of Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning and Deep Learning techniques have also gained popularity due to the power of Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) for object recognition and classification. The main focus of this work is to detect human body parts, in a specific position that is lying on a bed, through RGB and Thermal images. The proposed methodology focuses on the identification and classification of human body parts (head, torso, and arms) from both RGB and Thermal images using a CNN based on an open-source implementation. The method uses a supervised learning model that can run in edge devices, e.g. Raspberry Pi 4, and results have shown that, under normal operating conditions, an accuracy in the detection of the head of 98.97% (98.4% confidence) was achieved for RGB images and 96.70% (95.18% confidence) for thermal images. Moreover, the overall performance of the thermal model was lower when compared with the RGB model. © 2022, ICST Institute for Computer Sciences, Social Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering.

Circular Tecnica - Embrapa Gado de Leite 2021. (126):24 pp. ; 2021.
Article in Portuguese | CAB Abstracts | ID: covidwho-1918943


Embrapa Gado de Leite/Centro de Inteligencia do Leite carried out a survey to assess the behaviour of Brazilian consumers of milk and dairy products during the Covid-19 pandemic, considering household consumption. It was shown that long-life milk was not the most important dairy product in the Brazilian shopping basket. Despite being present in more than 90% of Brazilian homes, other dairy products, especially cheeses, are gaining consumer preference. Data from market consultants showed that this sales channel had the highest growth during the first months of the pandemic. The majority of survey respondents said they maintained or even increased the consumption of dairy products. Data from consulting market confirmed the survey results, reporting increases in sale of dairy products during the first half of 2020. The survey results also showed consumption patterns by income classes and regions of Brazil, showing the complexity of the national dairy market. In the case of income, the higher percentage of consumption stability in the lower income classes was high. Regarding the most important factor at the time of purchase of dairy products, the price was more considered by the higher income classes, and low prices and the brand by higher-income consumers. In the case of regions, differences were also evidenced in the maintenance of consumption of products, with powdered milk having a higher percentage of stability in the northeast and north, as well as the importance of price and brand in the purchase decision, in which the price prevailed more in the northeast than in other regions. In conclusion, income, rather than price, is the determining factor of dairy consumption in Brazil.

Hematology, Transfusion and Cell Therapy ; 43:S310-S311, 2021.
Article in English | EMBASE | ID: covidwho-1859634


A Trombocitopenia Trombótica induzida por vacina (VITT) tem sido relatada como um efeito adverso raro e grave após a administração de vacinas contra o COVID-19 que usam adenovírus não replicante como vetor. A VITT caracteriza-se pela presença de: (1) trombose em sítios não usuais (e.g., seio venoso sagital, veias esplênicas e renais), (2) plaquetopenia, (3) aumento importante dos valores de D-dímero e (4) elevação do Fator anti-plaquetário 4. Ocorre geralmente cerca de 3 a 30 dias após a vacinação. Segundo a Organização Mundial de Saúde, sua incidência é de 0,5 a 6,8 casos/100.000 vacinados. A fisiopatologia da VITT ainda não é bem esclarecida, porém existe relação com mecanismos relacionados a Trombocitopenia induzida pela Heparina. A maioria dos relatos de reação estão associados a primeira dose da vacina, porém também há casos na segunda dose. Devido a potencial gravidade na evolução, o tratamento não deve ser retardado. A terapia inicial inclui o uso de Imunoglobulina 2 g/kg (em 2 dias). O uso de corticoide em alguns casos pode ser feito como adjuvante, porém ainda não há comprovação de sua eficácia. A plasmaférese deve ser feita de imediato em pacientes com Trombose em Seio Venoso Sagital ou em casos refratários a Imunoglobulina. Não deve ser realizado transfusão de plaquetas e o uso de heparina como anticoagulante deve ser evitado. Faremos o relato de 2 casos em que a plasmaférese foi utilizada como terapia auxiliar ao tratamento: Paciente 1: Paciente mulher, jovem, 24 anos, foi admitida no Hospital 10 dias após a primeira dose da vacina Astrazeneca com quadro de cefaleia persistente refratária a analgésicos e petéquias em face e tronco iniciado 3 dias da internação. Admitida com plaquetopenia 2000, fibrinogênio 190 e D dímero 12000. Iniciado Imunoglobulina 2 g/kg (dois dias seguidos). Foi associado corticoide 1 mg/kg/dia. No nono dia de tratamento, evoluiu com 50 mil plaquetas, D dímero 7400 e PF4 3,34 U/mL. Evoluiu com Crise Convulsiva sendo diagnosticado Trombose Venosa de Seio Sagital. Iniciada Plásmaferese (feito 5 sessões em dias alternados com troca por albumina). Na quinta sessão de plasmaférese estava com D dímero 880, plaquetas 71 mil e fibrinogênio 58. Após 4 dias do término da plasmaférese, paciente apresentou retorno da cefaleia. Dosado D dímero 2300. Reiniciado Plasmaférese (Plasma 1:Albumina 1). Foram realizadas mais 2 sessões com plaquetas acima de 150 mil. Após a quarta sessão, no D27 internação estava com D dímero 470, plaquetas 362 mil e PF4 2,2. Paciente 2: Paciente do sexo masculino, 85 anos, foi admitido no hospital 21 dias após a segunda dose da vacina da AstraZeneca com quadro de fraqueza, astenia, confusão mental e inapetência, associado a tromboembolismo pulmonar. Paciente previamente renal crônico não dialítico, hipertenso, diabético, 2 cirurgias cardíacas prévias (2014 e 2017) e púrpura trombocitopênica idiopática crônica sem necessidade de tratamento prévio. A admissão, exames demonstravam plaquetas de 47.000, TTPa 35,8, INR 1,5 e fibrinogênio de 234. O Anticorpo anti-PF4 foi de 4,8 U/mL, e as plaquetas chegaram a 19.000. Foram realizados dois ciclos de IGIV, sem resposta, e mesmo com associação de corticóide 1 mg/kg/dia, não houve resposta. Foi optado por realizar plasmaférese terapêutica com realização em dias seguidos com troca de 1 volemia plasmática e reposição realizada com plasma fresco congelado em todas as sessões. Após 4 sessões, paciente apresentou melhora clinica, a despeito de manter plaquetopenia. Nesse momento, devido a historia de PTI previa, foi optado por iniciar eltrombopag. Conclusão: Relatamos 2 casos clínicos, nos quais a plasmaférese terapêutica pode contribuir para evitar um desfecho desfavorável na VITT.

Revista Cient..fica Multidisciplinar RECIMA21 ; 3(1), 2022.
Article in Portuguese | GIM | ID: covidwho-1761748


This review study is of great importance for society because it gives the population greater access knowledge now ledge about the means of protection against a Covid-19 pandemic, in addition to clarify in the effects of this virus on the human body and how the pharmacist has actedsince before from the colonization of Brazil to the present period. Although much research is being do neon the current pandemic, the is still much to be studied to sure the health of the population. Some symptoms of this virus can be confused with other diseases, but the identification of this virus is done only by laboratory methods. The pharmacist can contribute to research and assist in the process of disseminating know ledge about the use of medicines and about diseases themselves. This work can be deepened, contributing with new research and knowledge on this topic.

Occup Med (Lond) ; 71(8): 359-365, 2021 11 06.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: covidwho-1367040


BACKGROUND: The year 2020 was marked by the new coronavirus pandemic, resulting in millions of cases and deaths, placing healthcare workers at high risk of infection. AIMS: The aim of this study was to describe the role of an occupational health service during coronavirus disease 2019 pandemic in an oncologic hospital and characterize the most likely sources of viral infection. METHODS: The information of all healthcare workers with severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) infection from 11 March to 15 December 2020 was collected through an epidemiological survey conducted during contact tracing. The data extracted included gender, age, comorbidities, occupational group, source of infection, clinical presentation, duration of the disease, need for hospitalization and persistent or late symptoms after disease or upon returning to work. RESULTS: Out of a total of 2300 workers, 157 were infected, consisting of nurses (36%), nurse assistants (33%) and diagnostic and therapeutic professionals (10%). Physicians and administrative staff accounted for 8% each. The most frequently reported source of infection was occupational (43%), owing to worker-to-worker transmission (45%) and patient-to-worker transmission (36%). The most frequent moments of infection perceived corresponded to the removal of protective equipment during meals and moments of rest in the staff and changing rooms. CONCLUSIONS: The study revealed that occupational transmission from patients and colleagues might be an important source of SARS-CoV-2 infection in healthcare workers. Spread between colleagues accounted for 45% of the occupational source infections reported. Implementing physical distancing measures and limiting the number of people in changing and rest rooms could significantly reduce infection and related absenteeism.

COVID-19 , Health Personnel , Hospitals , Humans , Pandemics , SARS-CoV-2
Humanidades & Inovacao ; 8(38):209-219, 2021.
Article in Portuguese | Web of Science | ID: covidwho-1357955


The present work emphasizes digital technologies in the pedagogical work of the basic education teacher, a reinterpretation of the public health time in Brazil, caused by Covid 19 in 2020. In view of the above, face-to-face classes were replaced by non-face-to-face classes in order to to attend students. The objective is to reflect on digital technologies in the teacher's work, as part of the master's research in education developed at PPPGE / UFT. The methodological use, presupposes, literature review about texts emphasizing digital technologies in teaching work and in teacher training. According to the research carried out, the technologies emerged with the purpose of helping society. In this context, education follows technological developments and, when necessary, makes use of available technological resources to meet certain educational needs. The digital world has information and content favorable to education, in which schools, teachers and students can make good use of school work.

Revista Cientifica Multidisciplinar RECIMA21 ; 2(2):308-316, 2021.
Article in Portuguese | GIM | ID: covidwho-1326284


Infection with Sars-CoV-2, which causes covid-19, spread rapidly due to the high level of transmissibility, causing a worldwide pandemic. Given this scenario, as measures to prevent the main problem of fighting the virus. In the ICU, the local destination is to receive patients in serious condition, it is an area conducive to the development of infections related to health care. To prevent and control these infections, it will apply to the preventive care protocols recommended by the Institute For Healthcare Improvement for auxiliary work organization. Therefore, the aim of this study was to carry out a narrative review of the care protocols as a work tool in the clinical laboratory of covid-19 in an adult ICU. This type of review is essential in acquiring and updating knowledge on a specific topic. The articles were extracted from the databases: PubMed, BVS and EMBASE. The search took place in pairs, in January 2021, online, using the descriptors in Health Sciences and the Medical Subject: Intensive Care Units, Care Packages, COVID-19 virus and infection. A final sample consisted of 6 articles and these were discussed with the support of other studies. After analyzing the data, the results indicated for adherence to the prevention packages in the ICU auxiliary work organizations and, in view of this pandemic scenario, should be intensified for the safety of the patient and the professional in order to promote care based on safety and quality of care can decrease as secondary contamination.

Global Health Promotion ; 28(1):117-126, 2021.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: covidwho-1199864


El mundo, despues de la pandemia de la COVID-19, no sera el mismo que existia y ni tan siquiera eso es deseable. La reanudacion de la "normalidad" (que solo es "normal" para unos pocos) seria el regreso a la produccion y el consumo insostenibles, la perdida de derechos, la exacerbacion de las iniquidades y una brutalidad diaria para muchos que luchan por sobrevivir. En America Latina (AL), el fin del mundo ya se anuncio incluso antes de la pandemia. Si, desde Bogota - 1992, la Declaracion de Promocion de la Salud denuncia la pobreza como el mayor determinante social de enfermedades en la region, los gobiernos parecen ignorarla, debilitando los sistemas de salud, educacion, ciencia y tecnologia, transferencia de ingresos y asistencia social bajo los auspicios de la austeridad fiscal, favoreciendo el aumento de la desigualdad. Usando datos de tres paises, Argentina, Brasil y Chile: 1) se senalan sus bajas inmunidades sociales anteriores a la pandemia;2) se analizan sus politicas publicas en respuesta a la pandemia, considerando los diferentes enfoques de intervencion en salud: grupos de riesgo, poblacion, vulnerabilidad y proporcionalismo universal;y, 3) se indica como la Promocion de la Salud (PS) podria influir sobre las politicas publicas para no volver al mundo que existia, usando como ancla dos documentos lanzados durante la pandemia y que explicitan la lente epistemica de la comunidad global de la PS en cinco puntos: intersectorialidad, sostenibilidad, empoderamiento, compromiso con la salud publica y equidad, y perspectiva de curso de vida. Evidencias producidas en el transcurso de la pandemia en los tres paises indican que los enfoques adoptados en las politicas publicas pueden, o no, favorecer el alcance de la agenda inconclusa de la PS y del desarrollo sostenible.

Revista Virtual De Quimica ; 12(6):1642-1652, 2020.
Article in Portuguese | Web of Science | ID: covidwho-1129882


The SARS-CoV-2 virus, also known as Corona, has infected millions of people worldwide and part of them developed COVID-19 and cured themselves. But unfortunately, another part of those infected died. In Brazil, tens of thousands of deaths have already been accounted in 2020. The speed and global spread of the coronavirus has caused a major change in people's behavior and is leading the world towards a type of low contact economy, or contactless economy (auto-isolation), in which the flow of people and business between the producer and the consumer is carried out remotely in order to restrict and prevent personal interactions that can promote the transmission of the virus. Chemistry is playing a very important role in easing or avoiding contact between people with the development of products and materials that could slow the progress of SARS-CoV-2.

Global Health Promotion ; : 10, 2020.
Article in Spanish | Web of Science | ID: covidwho-1059860


El mundo, despues de la pandemia de la COVID-19, no sera el mismo que existia y ni tan siquiera eso es deseable. La reanudacion de la "normalidad" (que solo es "normal" para unos pocos) seria el regreso a la produccion y el consumo insostenibles, la perdida de derechos, la exacerbacion de las iniquidades y una brutalidad diaria para muchos que luchan por sobrevivir. En America Latina (AL), el fin del mundo ya se anuncio incluso antes de la pandemia. Si, desde Bogota - 1992, la Declaracion de Promocion de la Salud denuncia la pobreza como el mayor determinante social de enfermedades en la region, los gobiernos parecen ignorarla, debilitando los sistemas de salud, educacion, ciencia y tecnologia, transferencia de ingresos y asistencia social bajo los auspicios de la austeridad fiscal, favoreciendo el aumento de la desigualdad. Usando datos de tres paises, Argentina, Brasil y Chile: 1) se senalan sus bajas inmunidades sociales anteriores a la pandemia;2) se analizan sus politicas publicas en respuesta a la pandemia, considerando los diferentes enfoques de intervencion en salud: grupos de riesgo, poblacion, vulnerabilidad y proporcionalismo universal;y, 3) se indica como la Promocion de la Salud (PS) podria influir sobre las politicas publicas para no volver al mundo que existia, usando como ancla dos documentos lanzados durante la pandemia y que explicitan la lente epistemica de la comunidad global de la PS en cinco puntos: intersectorialidad, sostenibilidad, empoderamiento, compromiso con la salud publica y equidad, y perspectiva de curso de vida. Evidencias producidas en el transcurso de la pandemia en los tres paises indican que los enfoques adoptados en las politicas publicas pueden, o no, favorecer el alcance de la agenda inconclusa de la PS y del desarrollo sostenible.

Glob Health Promot ; : 1757975920977837, 2020.
Article in English | PubMed | ID: covidwho-992343


El mundo, después de la pandemia de la COVID-19, no será el mismo que existía y ni tan siquiera eso es deseable. La reanudación de la "normalidad" (que solo es "normal" para unos pocos) sería el regreso a la producción y el consumo insostenibles, la pérdida de derechos, la exacerbación de las iniquidades y una brutalidad diaria para muchos que luchan por sobrevivir. En América Latina (AL), el fin del mundo ya se anunció incluso antes de la pandemia. Si, desde Bogotá - 1992, la Declaración de Promoción de la Salud denuncia la pobreza como el mayor determinante social de enfermedades en la región, los gobiernos parecen ignorarla, debilitando los sistemas de salud, educación, ciencia y tecnología, transferencia de ingresos y asistencia social bajo los auspicios de la austeridad fiscal, favoreciendo el aumento de la desigualdad. Usando datos de tres países, Argentina, Brasil y Chile: 1) se señalan sus bajas inmunidades sociales anteriores a la pandemia;2) se analizan sus políticas públicas en respuesta a la pandemia, considerando los diferentes enfoques de intervención en salud: grupos de riesgo, población, vulnerabilidad y proporcionalismo universal;y, 3) se indica cómo la Promoción de la Salud (PS) podría influir sobre las políticas públicas para no volver al mundo que existía, usando como ancla dos documentos lanzados durante la pandemia y que explicitan la lente epistémica de la comunidad global de la PS en cinco puntos: intersectorialidad, sostenibilidad, empoderamiento, compromiso con la salud pública y equidad, y perspectiva de curso de vida. Evidencias producidas en el transcurso de la pandemia en los tres países indican que los enfoques adoptados en las políticas públicas pueden, o no, favorecer el alcance de la agenda inconclusa de la PS y del desarrollo sostenible.

COVID-19 Psychiatric emergency services Social isolation ; 2021(Jornal Brasileiro de Psiquiatria)
Article in English | WHO COVID | ID: covidwho-1190203


Objective: Assess the impact of the lockdown measures on hospitalizations and emergency psychiatric care in a capital of a Brazilian state. Methods: Psychiatric hospitalizations and emergency psychiatric attendances carried out between January 7th and May 28th, 2020, were evaluated, covering the periods before and after lockdown due to COVID-19 pandemic in the city of Fortaleza, capital of the state of Ceará, Brazil. The data in the two periods were described and presented in time series graphs. Attendances were also described according to the severity categories. Comparisons were performed using Mann-Whitney U test and test for proportions. Results: The daily average of hospitalizations and of attendances decreased in the evaluated periods from 16.0 to 10.8 (p < 0.001) and 67.9 to 35.0 (p < 0.001), respectively. This absolute reduction was observed in all categories of severity. No difference was observed in the proportion of severe attendances (2.3% vs. 2.8%;p = 0.207). The proportion of mild cases decreased from 18.6% to 10.7% (p < 0.001) and of intermediate severity cases increased from 79.1% to 86.5% (p < 0.001). Conclusion: The findings showed both a decrease in emergency psychiatric attendances and hospitalizations, which can lead to severe impacts in the absence of counterpart mitigation measures by the local mental health system. © 2021, Editora Cientifica Nacional Ltda. All rights reserved.

Prion, Viral, Bacterial and Fungal Pathogens of Humans [VV210] Human Reproduction and Development [VV060] Health Services [UU350] children human diseases child health guidelines viral diseases breast feeding child care childbirth disease course health health care immunization pandemics infants man Homo Hominidae primates mammals vertebrates Chordata animals eukaryotes coronavirus disease 2019 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 recommendations viral infections breastfeeding disease progression immune sensitization ; 2021(Revista Brasileira de Saude Materno Infantil)
Article | WHO COVID | ID: covidwho-1229086


Objectives: To present the main evidence, recommendations and challenges for maternal and child health in the context of COVID-19 pandemic.

Breastfeeding Child Postpartum period Pregnancy SARS-CoV-2 ; 2021(Revista Brasileira de Saude Materno Infantil)
Article | WHO COVID | ID: covidwho-1215187


Objectives: to present the main evidence, recommendations and challenges for maternal and child health in the context of COVID-19 pandemic. Methods: narrative review of national and international documents and reflections on the theme. Results: the coexistence ofpregnancy/puerperium and COVID-19 infection establishes many challenges. It is extremely important that the conduct should be individually adopted, covering all aspects of health in the mother-child binomial, estimating risks and benefits of each decision. Until now, it is recognized that natural childbirth should be encouraged and breastfeeding maintained, if adequate hygienic-sanitary care is ensured. Cesarean delivery and the isolation and separation of the mother-child contact without breastfeeding, will only be eligible when the clinical status of the mother or child is critical. The child must be included in all stages of health care, as this commonly asymptomatic group plays an important role in the family's transmissibility of the disease. Routine immunization should be provided, as well as clinical assistance when necessary, and families must be assisted in favor of their well-being. Conclusion: at the moment, it is not possible to measure the consequences of this new pandemic on maternal and child health, demanding attention to its evolution and new evidences about the implications in mother and child care. © 2021, Instituto Materno Infantil Professor Fernando Figueira. All rights reserved.

Ultraviolet Rays |Coronavirus Infection |Administration of Healthcare |Services |Infectious Diseases ; 2021(Revista De Epidemiologia E Controle De Infeccao)
Article in English | WHO COVID | ID: covidwho-1732527


Background and Objectives: After the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, more effective and efficient means were needed to disinfect hospital materials. The objective of our study is to evaluate the in vitro efficacy and the economic effectiveness of type C ultraviolet (UVC) irradiation for disinfection of materials used in the care of COVID-19 patients. Methods. Four bipartite Cled plates were inoculated with suspensions of 10,000 CFU/mL of Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus aureus strains, exposed to two 18W lamps, placed inside a laminar flow and incubated for quantitative growth assessments. The germicidal equipment was built: the "UVC box" was developed with two 18W lamps for use in materials returned to pharmacy and a "UVC closet" with two 60W lamps for surgical gowns exposure. The economic effectiveness was evaluated by comparing inventory costs with quarantine of materials versus UVC usage costs. Results. Microbiological inactivation in the plates started after 4 minutes with an efficiency close to 100% at 8 minutes. The "UVC box" reduced the time to release the material from 9 days to immediately, generating savings of approximately R$ 68,400, and the "UVC closet" changed the use of surgical gowns to 0.7/patient, compared to the usual of 1.5, generating savings of nearly 3,000 reais/month. The cost of installation and maintenance was R$ 1,500. Conclusions. The efficacy and effectiveness of the UVC system was proven, as well as the economy promoted by its installation.